Friday, September 26, 2014

Support Chinese Translation (Support Traditional & Simplified) but also Hong Kong

Up until now I was using:

"values-zh-rCN" -> Simplified Chinese
"values-zh-rTW" -> Traditional Chinese

I thought I covered entire Chinese. I was wrong!
There's 'zh-rHK' for Hong Kong.

Since I didn't cover Hong Kong Traditional Chinese, it showed default language which is English.

Hong Kong Traditional Chinese is same as Taiwan Traditional Chinese.
So, you should change to:

"values-zh-rCN" -> Simplified Chinese
"values-zh" -> Traditional Chinese (Covering Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and other places)

Why I didn't add 'zh-rHK'?
Because if there is some other Chinese languages that I wasn't aware, then values-zh should cover them all.